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Tvorba: 27/11/2010 04:04
Aktualizovat: 27/11/2010 04:11
Články 2
Návštěvy v týdnu 934
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forai :: Enjoy Your Life

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Článek: Life After Quitting Porn - 27/11/2010 04:08

You maybe wondering about a life without porn. How sad life can be? Because porn is the thing what brings slight enjoyment to you, and all job we do is to enjoy, right? By the end of the day, what we need is nothing but happiness and enjoyment. Then why quit porn? In this boring life, what shows a little bit heaven is nothing but porn. Then why quit it? Or even if I quit, what is the alternative? What give joy as porn gives?

If I quit porn, how my life will look like? Does life get any better? Or it'll be more boring than my current life?

Majority of porn addicts must be having questions life this.

So how life will be without porn?

Life is a very beautiful experience, Its so vivid that there is always scope for wonder and new. 'New' is never ending. But unfortunately only a few experience it. Porn only shows a fraction of that joy, real life is much more joyful. But all guys does not have access to it.

Only courageous people experience life and its newness. If one experice 'New' always, then there is no boredom in life, life become like an amazing journey, so many wonders, so many experiences, life become dazzling if one can experience life fully. One will say thanks to god( or any deity) for this wonderful planet and the wonders it contains.

You can see some people who live marvellously, you can see that in their eyes.

Bur if you observe, you can see the fact that for majority of people lacks this spark in their eyes. If you see some of them, you may think like 'this guy just want to die'. Yes. If you look people closely, you see people who are not at all in friendship with existence (or the world), they hate the world, they may not admit consciously, but unconsciously they are living like living in hell, you can read it from their eyes. In their eyes, you see the prayer like 'Oh God! Please take me from this world as soon as possible') many of these people even die quickly(quicker than average death age).

I observed people who show these kind of extreme opposite traits. The major difference I found is nothing but the courage. Ofcource there are issues like intelligence, patience and all which makes the difference, but the main reason I found is nothing but courage.

Courage is not a thing that make one go to the street and challenge everyone there, courage is nothing but trust towards oneself, trust in positive, Attaining trust is never easy, attaining trust can never be a selfish endeavour too, attaining trust needs good wisdom, (I'll discuss this in another article). But one must realise this and take actions according to it.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Článek: Learned From My Grandmother's Arthritis - 27/11/2010 04:11

I grew up in small Siberian town of Russia. I live now in Orlando, FL since 2001. I'm married with 3 beautiful children. My grandmother from my father's side was always having big arthritis problems, she was suffering a lot from this terrible disease. Every summer I was spending in my grandparent's house during my childhood. And my biggest dream back then was to find the way to help my grandma to get her joint pain free life back and feel healthy and happy. I never saw a smile on her face, because of her constant pain... That's why after my hi-school graduation I became a nurse of neurological department in one of the hospitals in my hometown, where we had about 40% of our patients with arthritis. I spend 15 years of my life in this department. I was helping our patients as a nurse and my granny as her granddaughter by sending her medications she needed back then. She just couldn't afford to buy as much as she needed, nothing was helping her, nor my patients at my work. I started to think: "There should be some better way to help all these people..." I am a banquet server now and I've had this job for the last 8 years: I suffered for last 3 years with joint neck and shoulder pain, as a result of my server job. I had a very difficult time with caring trays at work, sleepless nights... Doctor's prescriptions almost never help, or just a little for a short period of time. So finally, I decided to go the alternative holistic health care rout.

For me personally, I had already been taking "Joint Solutions with HA" for a while and had had HUGE success: after only 5 days of taking this supplement my pain started to decrease, and in the end of the first month I was 100% joint pain free! I was absolutely positive that this solution can give new life to many people and it can be done SUPER fast! But I was kind of skeptical since I know how much people believe in DOCTORS, prescription drags and what doctors tell them to do no matter what kind result they are getting in the end. Unfortunately we all raised this way... So, now I'm very passionate in helping others get off prescription drugs and showing people how to help them Achieve 100% Joint Pain Free Life in 7 to 30 Days Without Spending a Lot of Time in Doctor's Offices and Getting No Results From Prescribed Medications...

The manufacturer I found is a progressive company that has been around since 2001. This company helps to improve the quality of your life and the life of your family. The founder has tremendous interest in and passion for nutrition, health and well-being, which comes from his successful battle with life-threatening cancer and his resulting understanding of the value and vulnerability of our health. This company shares founder's vision and strive to support your efforts to obtain and maintain optimal health so that you can enjoy a lifetime of unrestricted activity and wellness.

Now, you might be asking, "what is Joint Solutions, and what makes it so special?" That's a great question. Scientific research has proven that our bodies need Hyaluronic Acid (or HA) which maintains moisture and function in moving tissues, resulting in pain-free joint movement and healthy, moisturized skin. This protein found in the body, binds water and lubricates the connective tissue and movable body parts such as joints and muscles. HA assists in binding collagen to cells to protect moving tissues and maintain joint function. Collagen is another natural protein and is essential for youthful tissues, muscles, tendons, and joints. As we age, our supply of collagen and HA diminishes and we increase our chances of joint damage and pain. Research shows that we produce dramatically reduced amounts of collagen and HA after age 30, which leads to rapid aging and deterioration, along with joint pain, inflammation, and loss of elasticity and moisture. So, Joint Solutions has both of these components.

I truly have love and passion for helping others and I simply grateful for the opportunity to share with all of you, the same benefits I've gained from this breakthrough. I want each of you to have the chance to experience this product, and I can even show you how to get paid to do so at the same time. Here are the next 3 steps you need to take to Achieve 100% Joint Pain Free Life in 7 to 30 Days:

1)Look back to your life style: what you eat, how much time your exercising, how active you are. There are source locations of your joint pain! All you need just change your life style + help your joints with good dietary supplements.